The software I was thinking of was Reaper, by the way. a program which with
etc, and to probably a better extent audacity, but neither do midi as well.
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The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
Post by Brian Gaff (Sofa)Yes I remember a Yamaha Piano many moons ago being played by a connection
to some computer at a local winery.
I guess not being that musical, I mainly came across it from the ready
made files that could be used to make keyboards and computers play
convincing music.
Back in the 80s, a computer called the Sam Coupe had extensive Midi
editing software on it, but I'd imaging nowadays the software must be
pretty amazing.
What is that audio editor that also seems to support midi called. I tried
to get to grips with into for multi track recording a while back as it was
accessible but it was just far too complex for my brain cells and had
loads of features, like midi which I'd never ever need.
I'm useless at remembering abstract names, especially when to keep it
would have cost me money.
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Post by Brian Gaff (Sofa 2)Not used midi since the 8 bit days, sorry.
Is it still a thing, then?
Very much so, at least among professional keyboard musicians. It also has
a quirky side-connection in the fairground organ world; if such an
instrument is modified to work under a MIDI file, it gives it a much
wider repertoire than can be carried/made from the perforated cardboard
stacks they traditionally run on; I've seen a couple modified so that
they can run from either.
Post by Brian Gaff (Sofa 2)Brian
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Post by J. P. Gilliver (John)Does anyone have and use any MIDI software that they find is
speech-friendly and/or Braille-friendly? I'm thinking of MIDI editors,
keyboard drivers, and so on.
Three- (or four-) way referendum, if we _have_ to have another one -
***with second choices taken into account***
Everyone looks sun-kissed and beautiful and as you watch it ["Bondi Rescue"],
pale and flabby on your sofa, you find yourself wondering if your life could
ever be that exotic. (It couldn't. You're British.) - Russell Howard, in
Radio Times, 20-26 April 2013