2009-10-24 18:17:07 UTC
I have been having lots of probs posting to newsgroups and replying to
e-mail because of t-bird's nasty habit of not giving access to
screenreaders. Sometimes I can read msg edit tabs when the computer has
just been rebooted, but....I've been told that t-bird 3.x betas are much
more accessible, but have yet to install. I have a copy of beta2, but
beta4 is the current trial ever that is available. Any experience with
either of these/don't want to install a buggy beta, but don't know which
to try, and as the rc will be out with in a week or two..maybe an
official ever in less than a month...don't want to waste myhme
I know that there are several errors, but for the aforementioned prob
and lack of time to copy and edit....
Burt Henry
Steve Urbach
block quote
You Like Malware?
block quote end
I must; I'm using Windows.
e-mail because of t-bird's nasty habit of not giving access to
screenreaders. Sometimes I can read msg edit tabs when the computer has
just been rebooted, but....I've been told that t-bird 3.x betas are much
more accessible, but have yet to install. I have a copy of beta2, but
beta4 is the current trial ever that is available. Any experience with
either of these/don't want to install a buggy beta, but don't know which
to try, and as the rc will be out with in a week or two..maybe an
official ever in less than a month...don't want to waste myhme
I know that there are several errors, but for the aforementioned prob
and lack of time to copy and edit....
Burt Henry
Steve Urbach
block quote
You Like Malware?
block quote end
I must; I'm using Windows.