Anyone use thunder betas?
(too old to reply)
2009-10-24 18:17:07 UTC
I have been having lots of probs posting to newsgroups and replying to
e-mail because of t-bird's nasty habit of not giving access to
screenreaders. Sometimes I can read msg edit tabs when the computer has
just been rebooted, but....I've been told that t-bird 3.x betas are much
more accessible, but have yet to install. I have a copy of beta2, but
beta4 is the current trial ever that is available. Any experience with
either of these/don't want to install a buggy beta, but don't know which
to try, and as the rc will be out with in a week or two..maybe an
official ever in less than a month...don't want to waste myhme
I know that there are several errors, but for the aforementioned prob
and lack of time to copy and edit....
Burt Henry
Steve Urbach

block quote
You Like Malware?
block quote end

I must; I'm using Windows.
Brian Gaff
2009-10-25 04:23:26 UTC
Well, have you tied the betas of seamonkey?
Ido know that the betas of Thunderbird 3 work well with nvda, but I do not
like the interface myself, though loads do.

Brian Gaff....Note, this account does not accept Bcc: email.
graphics are great, but the blind can't hear them
Email: ***@blueyonder.co.uk
Post by bando?ers
I have been having lots of probs posting to newsgroups and replying to
e-mail because of t-bird's nasty habit of not giving access to
screenreaders. Sometimes I can read msg edit tabs when the computer has
just been rebooted, but....I've been told that t-bird 3.x betas are much
more accessible, but have yet to install. I have a copy of beta2, but
beta4 is the current trial ever that is available. Any experience with
either of these/don't want to install a buggy beta, but don't know which to
try, and as the rc will be out with in a week or two..maybe an official
ever in less than a month...don't want to waste myhme
I know that there are several errors, but for the aforementioned prob and
lack of time to copy and edit....
Burt Henry
Steve Urbach
block quote
You Like Malware?
block quote end
I must; I'm using Windows.
Brian Gaff
2009-10-25 04:24:15 UTC
PS, you had me going for while with the sub line as there is a screenreader
called Thunder.

Brian Gaff....Note, this account does not accept Bcc: email.
graphics are great, but the blind can't hear them
Email: ***@blueyonder.co.uk
Post by bando?ers
I have been having lots of probs posting to newsgroups and replying to
e-mail because of t-bird's nasty habit of not giving access to
screenreaders. Sometimes I can read msg edit tabs when the computer has
just been rebooted, but....I've been told that t-bird 3.x betas are much
more accessible, but have yet to install. I have a copy of beta2, but
beta4 is the current trial ever that is available. Any experience with
either of these/don't want to install a buggy beta, but don't know which to
try, and as the rc will be out with in a week or two..maybe an official
ever in less than a month...don't want to waste myhme
I know that there are several errors, but for the aforementioned prob and
lack of time to copy and edit....
Burt Henry
Steve Urbach
block quote
You Like Malware?
block quote end
I must; I'm using Windows.
chris mcmillan
2009-10-29 21:56:04 UTC
Post by Brian Gaff
PS, you had me going for while with the sub line as there is a screenreader
called Thunder.
Which I've had installed on my machine for *ages* and have now decided
to give Narrator a go.

What I can't get either Narrator nor Thunder to do is *read* web sites
nor read pre-typed documents. Am I being a fool?

I actually want to try and persuade someone that if Narrator or Thunder
will read a basic web site then our church web site should be built with
that sort of functionality in mind because I'm thinking that in time to
come lots of people who are now verging on 60 are going to need to
access the web site in the next few years and if it can be done by using
what's around so much the better.

I need to have cracked this - or thrown the whole idea out by a week


Post by Brian Gaff
Chris McMillan
sig line taking a holiday
burt henry
2009-11-05 17:52:18 UTC
Hi, Chris,
I'd like to take a look at the site, and I'll send you or your webmaster
any access issues.
Post by chris mcmillan
Post by Brian Gaff
PS, you had me going for while with the sub line as there is a screenreader
called Thunder.
to give Narrator a go.
What I can't get either Narrator nor Thunder to do is *read* web sites
narrator doesn't do that/it's not you.
Post by chris mcmillan
nor read pre-typed documents. Am I being a fool?
narrator reads notepad txt docs, but doesn't seem to work with word....
I still haven't tried thunder, but it should work with the webbie
browser interface-down-loadable from the thunder folks, or at least
linked on the thunder site where I down-loaded.
Post by chris mcmillan
I actually want to try and persuade someone that if Narrator or Thunder
will read a basic web site then our church web site should be built with
that sort of functionality in mind because I'm thinking that in time to
come lots of people who are now verging on 60 are going to need to
access the web site in the next few years and if it can be done by using
what's around so much the better
As I said before NVDA is free/easy to down-load, and although you seem
not to have found it automatic (no learning curve) to use-1.you can see
enough that you have not been forced to make the leap. 2. anyone with a
little experienced with other screenreaders can probably make a go of
it. nvda's keystrokes are similar to jaws which for better or worse is
the most popular screenreader in the world. 3. NVDA is improving very
quickly. 5. NVDA seems to be better known than thunder in most circles,
and continues to receive more and more publicity. (nothing against
thunder/I want to try it)
Post by chris mcmillan
I need to have cracked this - or thrown the whole idea out by a week today.
Why the pressure? Surely the site could be redesigned at some date in
the future, and if you won't have anyone available to do so it would be
easier to add a few links for the most important stuff/txt only format
for reading. Let me take a look at the site at any rate/you have my
interest up. And with out having tried it this webbie thinggy looks
like it could be fairly easy for a non-comp-user to learn and use for
this type of site. (guessing that you mainly need to read up-dated info)
Another thought is e-mail for blind-users with links for accessing a
volunteer's mail to help with the hard stuff. Also, for reading only
one could use one of many txt to speech programs, and you could embed a
link on your church site. Then have links for the stuff they would most
likely want to read/txt only-have links to download a txt document for
each subject?
As I am still sorting out a few issues, and don't have time to look for
your other msg in google groups or the like, when I mentioned
thunderbird it was just a way of saying a news reading client/not
program specific.
I know it is late from what you said, and you are tired of this, but
maybe something can be done for the VI folks in your parish, just not
this week, and maybe the site's not so bad. Send me the url please.