Viagra and blindness
(too old to reply)
2005-05-31 14:02:45 UTC
Apparently there is an issue with Viagra causing blindness in some users.
The FDA is investigating a number of these cases. If you go to
there is more information on this problem, some interesting articles, as
well as what you can do about it. There is also a free case evaluation
provided for those who might have been affected by this. I hope this may be
of some help.

Brian Gaff
2005-05-31 20:35:25 UTC
And there was me thinking that this was a computing newsgroup.

I somehow doubt if anyone here was made blind by Viagra, though doing what
most of us do always was said to make you go blind, a very unlikely thing.


Brian Gaff....Note, this account does not accept Bcc: email.
graphics are great, but the blind can't hear them
Email: ***@blueyonder.co.uk

"kr0" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:98_me.1526392$***@pd7tw1no...
| Apparently there is an issue with Viagra causing blindness in some users.
| The FDA is investigating a number of these cases. If you go to
| https://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/case/viagra_blindness_class_action
| there is more information on this problem, some interesting articles, as
| well as what you can do about it. There is also a free case evaluation
| provided for those who might have been affected by this. I hope this may
| of some help.
| kr0
Technomage Hawke
2005-06-01 00:47:38 UTC
Post by Brian Gaff
And there was me thinking that this was a computing newsgroup.
I somehow doubt if anyone here was made blind by Viagra, though doing what
most of us do always was said to make you go blind, a very unlikely thing.
Brian Gaff....Note, this account does not accept Bcc: email.
graphics are great, but the blind can't hear them
heh. yeah. I'm blind already so it wouldn't make any difference. <smile>.

still, to have several new people blinded within hours of taking the "little
blue pill". thats definitely grounds for a class action (looks like the
lawyers are going to get rich on this one).

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